Emotional Wellness Video Library

To see the length and description of each video click on the box.

Recommended Use:

Play each lesson 2-3 times before switching to the next. Those who used the videos at least three times a week saw an improvement in attention + compassion and decreased aggressive behavior + anxiety.

After you go through each video try a ‘popcorn’ round and choose any video you’d like.

Other Tools for Children (and Adults!)

Bird Dog Challenge (1 min)

This spinal balance activates both sides of the brain, enhancing coordination and supporting emotional balance.

Partner Elevator (1 min)

This interactive movement is a partner challenge! It fosters sensory input, collaboration, and communication, enhancing balance and self-regulation.

Peaceful Song (3 min)

An uplifting song sung by Julie and her musician husband. It weaves in healthy coping skills throughout.

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